Industrial quality testing is important, but there’s also a lot of pressure on companies to keep up with the latest methods and techniques. Some new inspection methods are cropping up every day, and industrial quality testers need to stay on top of these advances.

1. Acoustic emission testing

Acoustic emission testing is a non-destructive method for detecting manufacturing defects in materials, processes, and equipment. The objective of acoustic emission testing is to detect defects in products during the manufacturing process so that they can be identified and corrected before any damage occurs.

Acoustic emission testing includes two methods: vibration analysis and ultrasonic disintegration (UT). Vibration analysis uses special instruments that monitor vibrations made by components within machines while they’re operating. When a defect occurs in one of these components—such as when parts begin wearing out or are improperly installed—a unique sound wave called an “acoustic event” will be produced when something hits another part unexpectedly.

The second method involves subjecting materials to high levels of stress until they fail catastrophically; this produces an audible noise or sound wave created by the disintegration or destruction of whatever material was tested (for example, if you were using this method on a car engine block then it would make some type of noise when it failed).

2. Leak testing

Leak testing is a method of quality control in which a product is tested for its integrity. This is done by pressurizing the system, isolating any possible leak locations, and determining whether or not there are any leaks present through visual inspection or other means. Leaks can also be detected using ultrasonic testing methods as well as pressure decay techniques.

Most commonly, leak testing involves pressurizing the pressure vessel to a specified pressure level and then monitoring for leaks at various points on its surface with special equipment such as infrared cameras and smoke tubes. However, another option for leak detection is ultrasonic listening devices that use sound waves to locate small holes within a material’s structure based on how long it takes those sound waves to travel from one side of an object to another; this process is known as sonar technology (or sonics).

3. Nondestructive testing

Non-destructive testing is used for checking the quality of industrial products, and can be used in various industries and materials like non destructive weld testing, for example. There are various types of non-destructive tests such as:

  • Visual Inspection
  • X-ray inspection
  • Ultrasonic Inspection

4. Pressure testing

Pressure testing is a common method for ensuring the integrity of a part. It can be done in a lab or on-site, and it can involve water or air. The process involves placing the product under pressure until it fails to hold up. This will tell you what kind of failure mode you’re dealing with, allowing you to make any necessary adjustments before production begins.

If you choose this method for your industrial quality test, your part will need to be placed inside  a pressure gauge and chamber that simulates working conditions as closely as possible (in other words, without damaging other parts). There are many different types of chambers available—some large enough for an entire vehicle! Once inside the chamber, our skilled technicians can then increase its internal pressure until they reach their target amount using specialized equipment like hydraulic pumps and valves.

5. Computed tomography x-ray

Computed tomography x-ray (CT) is a type of x-ray that can be used to take pictures of objects. It can be used in industrial quality testing to inspect welds and other industrial parts.

In the case of welds, CT x-rays are taken from multiple angles around the weld, which gives inspectors a better chance of seeing defects like porosity or gas pockets trapped inside the metal.

6. High voltage testing

High voltage testing is a method of quality testing used in power generation and distribution, medical devices, aircraft, and spacecraft. This method is also used in the aerospace industry to test the insulation of electrical wires.

High voltage tests and torque wrench calibration repairs are performed on an electrical device under high voltage conditions. This type of test is performed to check the durability of insulators or other parts that are subjected to high voltages during their normal use. Insulators that pass this test will be able to handle normal operating voltages without leakage current flowing through them or arcing taking place between them at any point in time during their life cycle. High voltages can sometimes cause failure within a short period; thus manufacturers/suppliers need to perform such tests before delivering products into the marketplace so as not to disappoint customers who may buy faulty products due to the short life span caused by poor quality insulator material among other reasons like manufacturing defects etc.


Lab equipment testing is crucial to maintaining high-quality standards in industrial plants. While most testing methods are well established, there are still new ones being developed all the time. You must stay on top of these advances so that you can be sure your lab equipment is always at peak performance levels.