Marijuana use and marijuana abuse are two different things. Marijuana use refers to the responsible and moderate consumption of marijuana for medical or recreational purposes.

This includes usage within legal limits and taking appropriate measures to avoid potential risks associated with marijuana.

On the other hand, marijuana abuse is defined as excessive and/or dangerous use of the plant. It also involves using it in a manner that puts oneself or others at risk for physical, mental, and/or social harm.

Responsible Use of Marijuana

In general, marijuana use is not considered to be harmful when consumed responsibly. Studies have shown that marijuana use can provide certain medical benefits such as pain relief, muscle relaxation, and anxiety reduction.

However, excessive marijuana use may lead to physical and psychological dependence, as well as a decrease in motivation and productivity levels.

The Abuse of Marijuana

Marijuana abuse is associated with serious health risks such as lung disease, impaired cognitive functioning and memory loss, decreased motor skills, depression, and anxiety.

Marijuana abuse can also contribute to an increased risk of addiction, vehicle accidents and other dangerous activities.

The Difference

It is important to note that marijuana use should not be confused with marijuana abuse. Responsible usage of the plant can provide certain health benefits, but excessive or reckless use can lead to serious harm.

For this reason, it is important for users to understand the potential risks associated with marijuana use in order to protect themselves and others.

The key difference between marijuana use and marijuana abuse is the level of consumption. Responsible users will consume marijuana within legal limits, while abusers may consume large amounts at one time or continually abuse the availability of this plant over a period of time.

The abusers are also more likely to put themselves or others in danger due to the effects.

More about the Stats

We’ll look at Americans, adults with medical conditions, and pregnant women. We’ll also consider those with depression and much more. The results you’ll see will be staggering.

The Americans

About 16 percent of Americans smoke marijuana. It is estimated that one in ten of these is a heavy or very frequent user.

Let’s explore more about the critical groups of users and how much abuse there is.

Adults With Medical Conditions

Despite the many benefits of marijuana for those with medical conditions, there are also risks associated with too extensive marijuana use.

Many marijuana users who tend to abuse the use of this plant also start using drugs. This phenomenon is called the “gateway” theory. It describes a series of drug abuse that involves using legal or illicit substances and misusing prescription medications.

Those with anxiety or mood disorders have an increased risk of developing cannabis abuse disorders. Fortunately, there are many ways to mitigate the risk of developing cannabis addiction and bring it to moderate levels.

Marijuana abuse is harmful for many people, especially the ones with medical conditions. It causes a variety of physical, mental, and behavioral effects. Marijuana, if not used responsibly, can increase a person’s heart rate and may increase their risk of having a heart attack.

Pregnant Women

The study looked at the prevalence of marijuana use among pregnant women in eight U.S. states, and found that approximately 16% of women used marijuana in the last month of pregnancy.

The results of this study have significant public health implications, and emphasize the need for health care providers to provide counseling and resources to women in reproductive age about marijuana use in pregnancy.

Even responsible use of cannabis during pregnancy is still associated with an increased risk of low birth weight, preterm birth, and small for gestational age infants.

Researchers also noted an increase in the rate of preterm births in women with cannabis use disorders. These findings raise concern about the long-term effects of cannabis on the developing brain.

Further research on cannabis use in pregnancy is needed to better understand the effects on neonatal outcomes.

Marijuana use in pregnancy has increased in recent years. Between 2002 and 2017, the prevalence of cannabis use in pregnant women increased from 3.4% to 7.0%.

Among women aged twelve to 44, the prevalence of daily or near-daily use increased by 2.5% and the average number of days of daily/near-daily use increased by 2.0%.

People With Depression

While marijuana is not officially approved for treating depression, many people who suffer from the disease use it to help them feel better.

It contains two main chemicals: THC and CBD. CBD is an antidepressant, plus it has many other health benefits, while THC has psychoactive properties which are also positive and help relaxation in moderate use.

What’s certain is that the abuse, or too extensive use of marijuana can interfere with judgment, causing individuals under its influence to engage in impulsive behaviors that may lead to accidents, suicide attempts, and other harmful outcomes. It can also lead to disruptions in personal relationships and a host of other problems.

While the link between marijuana and depression is not clear, it has been suggested that marijuana abuse may increase the risk of psychotic illnesses.

Heavy marijuana users may be depressed because they were trying to detach themselves from their depression symptoms.

Standard use of marijuana and its benefits

Marijuana has been used for centuries for its medicinal and recreational purposes. Recent researches have also highlighted various benefits of using marijuana, both medically and recreationally.

Physically, marijuana can lead to improved physical health due to its anti-inflammatory properties which helps reduce joint pain and muscle soreness as well as helping to reduce symptoms of nausea, vomiting and pain.

Studies have also shown that marijuana can help to improve lung capacity by increasing airway dimension which leads to increased oxygen intake.

Mentally, marijuana can provide significant stress relief and relaxation due to its ability to reduce anxiety and induce sleepiness. It has been linked with improved creativity as well as providing a sense of heightened perception.

On a social level, marijuana can be used as a tool to foster connections between people and help create an environment of acceptance and understanding.

In many circles, it is seen as a way to open up conversations and break the ice in social situations. Many people also enjoy the sense of community that comes along with consuming marijuana.

Ultimately, marijuana can be used as an essential tool to improve overall health. And well-being on both an individual and social level.

As a result, marijuana is becoming legal in more and more states, but in some cases just for medical purposes. For instance, in Texas, in order to purchase cannabis. A person must have a qualifying medical condition as well as a Texas medical marijuana card.

Final Word

Marijuana abuse can have a number of negative consequences, both in the short and long term. Some people may not realize that marijuana abuse is a real problem. But it is important to be aware of the dangers so that you can get help if needed.

If you or someone you know is struggling with marijuana abuse, please seek professional help.