Septoplasty is a quick and relatively painless procedure recommended for those experiencing breathing problems, frequent sinus infections, nasal crowding, and head pain from a crooked or deviated septum. The procedure is highly safe and straightens the crooked nasal wall to restore breathing function and end the debilitating symptoms.

Septoplasty is one of the many nasal procedures offered at the Southern California Sinus Institute. Our patients receive customized post-operative care instructions to ensure their nose heals and regular breathing function returns. Still, many of them have questions about the recovery process. Look at some of the most common questions we receive about septoplasty recovery.

What is a septoplasty?

Septoplasty is surgery inside the nose to make straight a deviated septum. Its septum is about 7 centimeters long in adults and comprises sinew and bone. It divides the inside of the nose into two chambers or nostrils.

A deviated septum is a crooked or curved septum instead of a straight one. It can block one or both nostrils and prevent airflow. An injury can bend your septum, but you can also be born with it.

What Is The Recovery Time After A Septoplasty?

The initial recovery from a septoplasty usually takes about a week or less. However, overall bone and cartilage healing takes several months to a year.

Tips for Septoplasty Recovery

Recovering from a septoplasty procedure doesn’t require much work. Less is more when it comes to a speedy recovery. This list addresses most do’s and don’ts during recovery from a septoplasty procedure. There will be a complete list of post-operative instructions, but these are some general tips.

Keep The Surgical Site Clean

Take care not to get your bandages wet by avoiding showering and bathing instead. Keep the surgical site clean by gently washing your face with a damp cloth and dabbing around the nose and nostrils with a cotton swab to clear away any discharge. Follow your surgeon’s instructions when it comes to changing bandages, and take care not to dislodge any supportive structures that may have been placed in or around the nose. You will be instructed on how to change bandages if that is necessary. Some recoveries are relatively quick, and your surgeon will remove the bandages for you at your follow-up appointment.

No Sports or Strenuous Activities

Avoiding strenuous activity is key for a quick and complication-free recovery. Sports and strenuous activities will boost your heart rate and circulation, leading to swelling and fatigue that can slow the healing process. These activities also put you at risk for injury, as there is a possibility of bumping or hitting the nose. To avoid the unnecessary pain of an injured nose and a second corrective surgery, avoid sports and strenuous activities until your nose.


Schedule at least seven days of time off after your procedure. The more time you can take off work with a reduced stress load, the better able your body will be to heal. Rest is vital to healing and allows the body to focus its energy on recovery. If you work from home doing a stationary job, such as working from a computer, it is still prudent to take care of and reduce your workload to have more time to relax.

No Spicy or Hot Foods

Hot and spicy foods irritate your nose and sinuses and may hinder your recovery by increasing swelling and fluid buildup. Avoiding foods prone to irritating tissues is a must for an easy recovery.

Slow and Easy Walks

Getting outside and taking short walks are excellent ways to keep healthy mentally and physically during recovery. Walking gets the circulation going enough to draw toxins and the buildup of fluids away from the surgical site. The added oxygen and invigorated blood supply is also beneficial for healing. Walking allows you to stay active without putting any strain on your body during recovery.

Wear Contacts Instead of Glasses

Avoid wearing glasses during the first few weeks to prevent any pressure or stress from being put on the nose while it is healing. Contacts are an excellent alternative and do not involve any pressure on the bridge of the nose. If you cannot wear contacts, talk to Dr. about alternatives, such as suspending your glasses from a headband while reading or just relaxing without your glasses during healing.

Take Care of Your Body and Keep Hydrated

Make sure to eat nutritious foods and drink a lot of water. And Eating foods that are high in fiber, protein, and healing nutrients is a great way to recover quickly and reduce stress on your body. And Avoid foods that remain high in fat and sugar or that might add to bowel problems such as diarrhea or constipation resulting from the medications or anesthetics administered during surgery.

Water is an excellent way to keep swelling down and flush toxins out of your body. Staying hydrated will keep your body healthy and happy while you recover and promote healing. Avoid drinking alcohol during recovery since your body is already busy healing and doesn’t need the extra work. Alcohol may also adversely react with medications prescribed by Dr.

Change Your Routine to Avoid Strain and Stress

If your usual routine involves lifting or bending down, then it is best to adjust your habits to ensure that your head always stays elevated and that you don’t strain your body. If you usually sleep lying flat, then change your sleeping position to one where your head is elevated above the rest of your body. This will reduce the amount of swelling that can occur over night. Keep any walking you do slow and short, and take time off from the gym or other more active tasks. Try to have a helper available through the first few days or the first week after the procedure to help with any household duties.

Balance Antibiotics with Probiotics

If you have to take antibiotics for your surgery, then make sure to balance out their effects with probiotics. Probiotics can come from supplements or foods such as yogurt or fermented foods. Probiotic microflora can help to reduce the effects of antibiotics and should be taken at reverse times to ensure that they provide the greatest benefits.